Hello again my readers,
Last night I got to see a rare and beautiful sight. As I got ready to go to bed, I had my window open to let in some fresh air and to hopefully cool off my exceedingly warm room, and I heard a sound. I paused and listened because it sounded fairly far off and I heard it again. It was a sort of screeching sound, but definitely sounded distinctly bird like. I've had my suspicions of what it may be for quite some time, but never had a confirmation.
I've been hearing that sound during the summer for a few years now, with last year begin the most noticeable and memorable because of how many different birds there were making it at one time. It was also quite memorable because it was kind of freaky sounding and I was trying to find and bring my cat into the house because of all the coyotes we have around here.
I looked out my window and was looking and listening. There are a ton of lightening bugs around here, so that all in itself was very pretty. But as I looked out across the backyard, I saw this shape drifiting across the sky. I focused more in on it as it flew closer to me. As it began to fly into my yard, it turned so that I was able to see the entire silhouette of a beautiful great horned owl as it flew into my woods. It was an amazing sight and I just stood by my window for a moment, hoping to see it again. Then the screeching sound began anew from the woods.
This was the basic silhouette of what I got to see. I wish it would have been during the day, so I could see all the detail, but seeing it in the night added some mysticism to it that really shows why the great horned owl is so revered.
It was not a sound that most people would expect from the regal great horned owl. Most people think of the owl as making its low pitched hooting during the night. The screech was unexpected, but shows that there are other ways for owls to communicate besides hooting. What was he/she chatting about with friends or its mate? I really don't know. But nevertheless, I enjoyed the conversation
Keep your eyes and ears open everyone,
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