Monday, February 18, 2013

Life of an Arthropod

Hello everyone,

As I write this, my many tarantulas and other pets wander and watch me. They are content to sit and wait, while it seems that I am always busy doing this or that. All they need is some food and water from time to time and they are content. Yet despite this existence, I can't help but notice different personalities.

People may say that insects and spiders can't have a personality because they do not have an advanced nervous system, but I disagree with this fully. Each of my pets has its own personality, as do the ones that my friends own. My red knee tarantula (Brachypelma smithi) is more than happy to sit around when I get her out, while my friend's red knee is very nervous when brought out. The difference between those two is very noticeable.

My little red knee, Illidiance
Of course the temperament can vary between species. My metallic pink toe tarantula (Avicularia metallica) tends to be a bit skittish when I get him out, but he still a very mellow little guy, content to walk around and occasionally projectile frass. 

My metallic pink toe, Arkeuthys
I am very happy to own these tarantulas, along with all the other insects and spiders as well. They are all so much fun to watch and provide me with hours of entertainment. I recommend looking into a pet insect or spider of your own to watch and learn from. It's a great experience.
