Hello readers,
My tarantula collection has certainly expanded over the past couple months. I made the jump from the two in my last post up to the 10 I have now. This will only be a short post and I will try to have pictures for you later. But here is my current list of only tarantulas...
Avicularia metallica (Metallic pink toe)
Brachypelma albiceps (Mexican golden red rump)
Brachypelma smithi (Mexican red knee)
Euathlus sp. Red (Chilean dwarf flame)
Grammostola pulchripes (Chaco golden knee)
Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose hair)
Heteroscodra maculata (Togo starburst baboon)
Psalmopeous irminia (Venezuelan suntiger)
Psalmopeous pulcher (Panama blond)
?? (?) This was an extra the breeder I bought from threw in for me, though he couldn't remember what it was. I have my suspicions, but I want to wait until it molts and gets older. It's only half an inch long, so it's very hard to tell.
These tarantulas are a joy to have and I look forward to watching them all grow over the next few years. What a fun time it will be.
Until next time,